
Free Printable Cinco De Mayo Lesson Plans and Coloring Pages

Cinco de Mayo sounds like the Mexican equivalent of the US Fourth of July, Independence Day. It's not. Cinco de Mayo, or Fifth of May is the day Mexicans remember the Battle or Puebla led by Benito Juarez. It's more of a US-Latino holiday than truly a Mexican one. Nevertheless, Cinco de Mayo is a great time to explore the culture, holidays, dress, customs, food, music and traditions of our American cousins to the south.  Free Cinco De Mayo Printable Lesson Plans and Coloring Pages

Free Printable Secular Easter Cards for Kids to Make and Share

I don't know about you, but I have had it with winter cold. We just got snow on April 13 in Michigan! If you teach or parent kids, you know how difficult a long winter can be. If you need fresh activities to get children through until it gets warmer, here are color-your-own Easter cards to make and share. I've listed websites to print free Easter cards for children to color; these are secular cards so that you can use them in any public or educational setting. Look for my upcoming article on free printable religious Easter cards for your church activities and celebrations also. Free Printable Easter Cards for Children

Catholic Lenten Fasting Ideas for Children

Ash Wednesday began the penitential season of Lent for Catholic and Orthodox Christians. During this 40-day period, we follow Christ's temptation in the desert, ending with Holy Week and passion, death and resurrection at Easter. During Lent we fast in imitation of Christ. Need some ideas to help kids enjoy a prayerful Lent? Here are tips to teach kids why and how we fast. Catholic Lenten Fasting Ideas for Children